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What is a Cat Scratcher House? A Basic Guide

Cats do not purposely attempt to ruin your carpets and sofa when they rub on them. They have an actual need to hone their claws and work out their paws. Domesticated cats too have deep preying and hunting instincts that need to be sharpened daily. If you provide them with a proper cat scratcher house, they will be happy scratching on it.

Whilst a cat scratcher tree is a famous solution that pleases various requirements, not every home will have the required space for a large tree. Smaller posts do not work for large cats as well. To solve this problem, you can opt for scratchers that can be attached to your walls. For the majority of cats, the significant thing is to possess something that will divert their attention from carpets and furniture!

Large and heavy cat scratcher house

The durable cat scratcher house is put together using a combination of a post and base. The house must be heavy and large enough to stay in position while your cat utilizes it. Small cats and kittens can be easily accommodated with a small toy, however, huge cats are challenging. You need a heavy and large base or you need a device that your pet can use to climb on.

Any time your cat can get on the cat house, she will have a good scratching experience. You can use catnip to attract your cat to use pet furniture. Once the pet marks the toy, you will not have any issues getting her to utilize it.


The secret to locating the best cat scratcher house is to assess the needs of your pet accurately based on its size and to find a house that works for your home and your pet. You need to ensure that the house can last long!

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